Thursday, May 22, 2008

Super Heroes

Jacob has always loved super heroes. He can name every member of the Justice League and when there is a choice that involves super heroes, you can bet that will be his selection. When Brian and Jake were designing the wrist bands, the batman font was an immediate lock and it did not take all that long to land on "JACOB IS MY SUPERHERO". What happened next is what I love.

Jacob's 2nd grade teacher, Mrs Goodman, had asked if she could bring a present for Jacob. We live next door to our school so she walked home with Joshua to bring Jake his present (she hoped to visit also - but all y'all already know about our delays getting out of the hospital). Mrs G gave him the most awesome bible.

The SUPER HEROES Bible - The quest for good over evil - is the coolest kids bible I have ever seen. I am so excited and thankful for such a wonderful present that came at just the perfect time. Along with a host of cool reading aides, the theme running through this bible is that, "The super heroes of the Bible were regular people, just like you are, but they followed a super God. He worked in them so they became heroes for him. And so can you!" As you read the stories of the Bible you can use the Super Hero Decoder to figure out and track the hero's as they get their power from God himself.

Super Hero Decoder

Self - controlled
Tells Others
Tries Hard

My friend Vicki asked what super powers would be activated by wearing Jake's wrist bands. These are the ones we are hoping to find in our family as we walk this new path. Last night as Brian and I were sitting on the front porch having our first real conversation since this all started he said something that to me was very profound. He was talking about how the trials of our life benefit us by shaping us into the exact person God wants us to be. Our hope is that months down the road, when we reach the milestone that says "CURED" we can look back and shout how God has shaped us - coded us - to be his super heroes.

And, if that is not enough, the title page of the Bible has these verses

[The Lord says],
"I will lead them along paths they had not known before,
I will guide them on roads they are not familiar with.
I will turn the darkness into light as they travel.
I will make the rough places smooth.
Those are the things I will do.
I WILL NOT desert my people."

Isaiah 42:13, 16

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Mrs Goodman for such an awesome gift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian, Tanya, Jake, and Josh,

Please know I am thinking of you all and I wish you all the best tomorrow as Jake has his second treatment. Jake you are so strong and brave and I love you. Take care and I will talk to you all soon.
