Friday, October 22, 2010

Super Hero Roll Call

We are now 1 day away from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk and it is time for us to break out the Team Jacob Super Hero Roll Call.

We had many wonderful friends come out to support Jacob and our family at our Genghis Grill Fundraiser. It was such an amazing feeling to "see" their love for us and their passion to find a cure. Thank you to everyone that participated - You are our Hero's!

  • Jubilee Calhoun & McKenlee Rice
  • Karin Boyer
  • Ross Montgomery
  • Jeff and Desiree Truitt, Brayden, Laney & Ainslee
  • Bobby and Christy Holladay, Lizzie & Gianna
  • Suzanne and Sammy Altaans, Alex
  • Stacy Tate & Crew
  • Jennifer and Adam Townsend & Crew
  • Laura Usery and Doug Ketcham
  • Jessica Encinias
  • Shaina Womack
  • Jessie Shipman & Kaden
  • Marty St John
  • Amber Sullins & Jayden
  • Melanie and Crew

We had the pleasure of seeing many of you as you dined and after a bit i even remembered to get my camera out. Here are a few snapshots of the evening.

For anyone that I did not see or hear that you were there - thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!

We have also had friends donating on our Light the Night website page and we are blown away by your generosity. Thank you so much!

  • Joy Langley
  • Kathy McShane
  • Kathy McShane (no, I am not repeating myself - you have just doubly blessed us :)
  • Stephanie Fernandez
  • Deanna Carlson (the internet does not have enough space for all of our thanks to you)
  • Adam Buettner
We have about 24 hours left till the walk and we are getting excited and geared up - thank you to all of you for partnering with us!