Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Make A Wish

Last Wednesday, at the Carlson Celebration, Jacob received a "Special Delivery" from some new friends of ours. As he started to unwrap the giant box he found a clue and a little blue airplane.

Then there was a smaller box that held a 2nd clue and another few presents for Jacob. He was excited that the bag was the colors of the Minnesota Twins but he had not yet figured out what the clues were leading to.

His next clue actually left him a little bit more confused but by this time everyone in the room was getting really excited!!! Where are these clues leading us?

Then came the smallest box - with the very best of all clues and presents.

You see, our new friends are from the Make a Wish organization. The clues were telling Jacob that he has been approved for his wish and that he would be leaving on Monday to fly to Minnesota. Jacob's wish was to meet the Minnesota Twins and they were inviting him to come.

In the last 38 months of chemotherapy we have seen Jacob overwhelmed with many things. Pain, fear, frustration, anger, doubt, uncertainty are just a few that we dealt with on a fairly regular basis. When Jacob realized that he was getting to go on his Make a Wish trip we again got to see him being completely overwhelmed. With Joy!!! Pure, unadulterated JOY!!!

Joy so overwhelming that the tears came and all he could do was put his hand to his face and drop his head because he was so happy he could not process the flow of emotion.

So many times the world teaches us that wishes don't come true. Let me encourage you to not embrace that as your reality. This week is all about celebrating the fact that wished DO come true.

On Thursday Jacob rec'd another delivery from the Make a Wish organization. Twins balloons and the Twins Mr. Potato Head - so cool.

And speaking of cool, they wanted Jake to stay cool in the Texas heat while waiting for his trip so on Friday a Dairy Queen Blizzard Cake was delivered to help us accomplish that.

On Saturday we also had gifts. Taco Bell provided dinner for the family. Picking up Taco Bell after treatment and ER visits has became, well, almost a tradition in our family and it was so fun to enjoy when we had been nowhere near a hospital or the clinic.

Saturday also brought with it our Make a Wish itinerary so we could have a peak at what the week would hold.

There were also a few supplies for the boys to help them out on their very first airplane ride. Mauer backpacks, luggage tags, Twins playing cards, Make a Wish t shirts and baseball hats. In addition to that, the sons of our Wish coordinator had sent along a Twins pennant for Jacob. Could that be any cooler - we so often get to see the very best of people - even some very young people!

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