Monday, June 2, 2008

Last haircut for awhile

Isn't it weird how we are shocked by things we know are going to happen?

Chemotherapy = hair loss.

Yet, when I brushed Jake's hair off his forehead to kiss his sweet face, and my hand came away full of hair, I was shocked. Some how it made him seem so much... sicker.

I think this one is also a little harder on Jacob. We have talked about it a couple of times and he did finally relent to having his hair cut. I am not sure what finally persuaded him, the thought of all that hair being on his pillow case as it came out or Daddy pointing out the a hair cut would make him cooler (yeah for summer heat!). Either way we now have our "official" summer hair cut.

We have also spoke with Jacob about the generous offers from friends and family to join him in the "bald is beautiful" movement and so far - he is not on board. No real explanation why, but so far every time we mention any one else shaving their head (from Mommy and Daddy to friends and family) the answer is always a very polite "No Thank You".

If that changes - we will open the Carlson Barber shop and if you are ahead of us and already shaved it ...



ronda said...

Tyler and Christian have joined in the cool summer hair cut, Tyler did his own hair and then buzzed Christian's.

Debbie said...

You are looking quite dashing with your new haircut! Watch out, Mom - I think there's gonna be lots of cute girls wanting to get to know Jake a little bit better! :-)

The McShane Family said...

Hey Jake,
Love your new hair cut! It looks so good and cool for the summer, no more bed head!

I might have to talk Ethan into one, it might help him swim faster! What do you think, will it help him swim faster?

Love you!

Anonymous said...

When I look at you I don't see your hair. I see your wonderful smile with your big-boy teeth! I also see your beautiful eyes and they show me what a great heart you have. You are kind, smart, and very handsome! Hair or no hair-I love you very much-you are my favorite 7(almost 8!)year old.

Grandma Dee

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob,
I love the new haircut! Great for the summer! Keep smiling =)

Sue said...

Hi Jacob,
I am a friend of your grandma Dee. She has told me what a brave boy you are. My son Joshua had cancer when he was 17 and he lost the back 1/2 of his hair. He had radiation treatments and his hair started to fall out, so his dad cut his hair really short all over. He wore a baseball hat all the time, sometimes to bed as he would forget to take it off. He even got permission to wear it to school. Josh is o.k. now and his hair did grow back, but he still wears a baseball hat a lot of the time! Ask your dad about Josh, they used to play together when they were little.
Keep that big smile on your face and we won't even notice your hair.
Sue Larson