Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Box

The President may have an aide that carries "the football", but Jacob has a Mommy and Daddy that carries THE BOX!

It is hard to believe that it was less then 3 weeks ago that we were sitting shell shocked in the hospital listening to Dr Odom explain what Jacob's treatment plan would be. The sheer number of letters in each drug name made them impossible to pronounce - how would we ever figure out what drugs , when and in which amount to make sure that Jake was getting exactly what the DR wanted and when.

Then Brian created THE BOX.

Jacob is very good at swallowing pills and that has helped the whole process immensely. He has to take a lot of them. And for the most part with absolutely no complaining.

Morning Medicine


Dinner Meds

Makes a daily multi vitamin seem a little puny. The good news is all of the medicine is working!!! The finale count from last weeks biopsy (Day 15) showed that the percentage of leukemia cells in Jacob's bone marrow was .2%. Please note the decimal point. His ANC (ability to fight of infection) was up to 180. The Dr is very pleased and we are ecstatic. This Friday we will be visiting the clinic for blood work and IV chemo but there will be no surgery!

God has been more faithful and more present then I could have ever imagined. Our friends and family have been more loving and supportive then we could have dreamed. Our pastor said in his blog last week, "Share Jesus and the gospel with everyone you know... and if absolutely necessary, use words." In the last three weeks we have seen people live like Jesus. Thank You!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! I am so excited to hear that the medicine is working so well! I am also ecstatic that you do not have to have surgery this Friday!!! Thank God!!!!

Jake, you are such a trooper! I couldn't swallow pills that big until I was in college!
Great job kiddo!
Love ya,
Nicole and family

The McShane Family said...

WooHoo! So glad that you won't have to have surgery this week! That means you can eat breakfast Friday morning when you want to!!!!!!

Those numbers are good news! Thank you God!

Brian, you rock! I don't know if I could keep it all straight even with "the box"

love you all!
Pastor Kathy

ronda said...

Thanks for letting your mom play tonight! Let us know when you and Josh want to hang with Christian and Jesse. What is on the menu for breakfast tomorrow morning?

Anonymous said...

What an amazing group of ppl you all are. Tanya and Brian, your strength amazes me!! Jacob, great job. What GREAT news from the tests. We will continue to pray for you and your healing.

Allison, Jason, Claire, Lukey and Maice Foisset

ronda said...

don't forget to same me a cinnamon roll:) man if i didn't have to be at work so early this morning i would have been there:) see ya soon

ronda said...

don't use spell check on my last comment!!

Anonymous said...

We LOVED seeing Jacob at school
this afternoon. Britney and Mikala.