Saturday, January 12, 2008

Quiz Time

Today we drove out to Arvada to participate in a Junior Bible Quiz meet. Our boys are both on the same team, with another girl who has been quizzing for a couple of years. Although this is only their 2nd year quizzing, I cannot tell you how proud I was of my boys today. They dedicated quite a bit of time over the last couple of weeks to their studying of the questions, and it definitely paid off.

They took 1st place today as a team and then took 5th and 6th place for individual scores. They could have ended up with higher individual scores, but it was great to watch them work as a team and make the individual sacrifices so they could win as a team. It is enjoyable to watch some truly adult traits starting to be developed in a 6 and 7 year old.

I am looking forward to watching them continue to grow in the quiz program as they are pushing and encouraging each other to do better. This always works better when it comes from them than when it comes from us.
February will bring the quiz meet to our church. Hopefully the home-field advantage will work in there favor.

Great Job Guys!!!!!!!!

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