Friday, January 4, 2008

So Excited!

OK! I know the holidays are over. But I have to tell you, I am so excited about the month of January it feels a lot like Christmas to me. Even a little... kid in the candy store. So many great things happening I can hardly figure out what I am most excited about.

Tomorrow, my husband is giving me the whole day to join some friends scrap booking at Archivers. This will be the first time since the move and I am more then a little behind. (In scrap book world - Joshua hasn't even been born yet.) We have been digging out photo's this week and it has been so fun to go back and remember when the boys were babies.

Sunday, Brian and I get to go to Greeley, CO and help promote the Alpha course at a local church. We met some amazing people from the Greeley church (Don, Beth, Mel, Marci and Gabe - we are so excited for what is ahead of you) when we went to the Alpha Conference last year and they are launching their course this January. We are so thankful for any role we get to play in Alpha and can't wait to see what God is going to do.

On Monday we are hosting the Alpha Celebration Dinner at Grace. This will lead into our Winter Alpha Course and I am so excited about both the team of people we are working with and the chance to meet new people.

January 12 is the next quiz meet for the boys and we are excited to see them compete again.

Then... After much waiting and anticipation... We leave for two weeks at Grandma's house in Minnesota. Dee, thank you so much for letting us invade and we are counting the days (10) till we get to come. TWO WEEKS! I am so excited. That is enough time to visit and see everyone with out having to ration out the trip hour by hour.

In the middle of our trip, I get to join my MN girls for a weekend up North. Gorgeous Cabin, 3 days, no kids and a enormous scrap booking room equipped with lots of toys. Sounds like a slice of heaven.

Now - as if all of that is not enough - there is still my favorite reason for being so excited I can hardly sit still

Brian's little sister, Jenny just welcomed to the world beautiful Alissa Mae. She was born on January 3rd, 8 lbs 2 oz, 20 inches long, head full of dark hair and perfect! Now, Jenny was crying as she told me those details so if tears of joy muffled them - they are at least pretty close. New Dad Jon was wonderful and we are so excited for this new life and new family. With two big brothers, Cody and Cole, to keep the household on track - we know all will be fine.

We can not wait to see all of our friends and family in MN - and to hold the new baby.


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