Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Treatment Update

We made another visit to the clinic today for some treatment.

Jake's counts were low, around 400. This was a little bit of a surprise, but we had moved his treatment up just in case they had dipped this low. He received a chemo treatment today and we will have to give him 2 more at-home shots over the next couple of nights.

The Dr. is happy with the progress he is making. Just to be safe, they have scheduled a blood transfusion for Monday in case we run into any problems between now and then. They are expecting that his counts may drop even further over the next few days so they have started him on some antibiotics to make sure we start fighting off any potential infections.

Our next treatment will be on Tuesday(11/12). Things are going as planned to this point - if you can really "plan" for an of this. In talking with the Dr. today - she is thinking that he will be ready to return to his classroom before Winter Break. Now, I know that there are some incredible people from his school who check in on his status. I am not trying to get anyone's hopes up or to have any plans made for an expected return date. As with most things through this entire process, the further into the treatment we get the clearer the next steps will become. Continue to keep Jake in you thoughts and prayers. He is doing good with the treatment as well as the limited side effects, but I think he really misses his friends from school and just being able to do "normal" things that kids do.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jake,
Your counts might be low but our hopes are high! You know everyone is thinking of you and wishing you were back in school (and out buying my Christmas present). But that's the thing about Superheroes-they always come out ahead! Take care (go buy my present),enjoy being a couch potato (go buy my present), and feel better soon!!
Love, hugs, and kisses,
Grandma Dee

Anonymous said...

Hello Carlsons!
We have been thinking of you! We will continue to pray for you every day!!!!!
Leon Family