Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Interesting comparison....

I have been watching Jake go through some pretty major physical changes over the last few weeks of treatment. This portion of his treatment has required him to take a good size dose of steroids. It started high, but has been tapering off over the last few days. When we were in the clinic 3 weeks ago there was a professional photographer who was there to take some pictures for a website that is being put together. Last Wednesday we received a copy of photos they had for Jake. These photos were taken prior to the latest steroid treatment. I didn't use the actual photos because I was unsure whether they were any copyright issues. But I did have a photo of him taken early in Oct that works just as well.

I was amazed at how much his body had changed after only 3 weeks of steroids. Call me a cynic, but when I compared the photos there was only one thing that came to mind.

Barry Bonds then vs. now
Jake then vs. now

I am not making accusations.......just making a comparison.


tanya said...

These pictures make me sad.

No, not that Barry Bonds has compromised his personal integrity on so many levels (come on, we ALL know that is true.)

What makes me sad is that in one photo, the one on the left, Jake looks like a happy little boy.

The photo on the right - he looks so much older. Not unhappy, just older.

One thing Brian and I have tried to do is to protect the innocence of our boys. To give them the wonderful gift of a childhood. The opportunity to know that God is in his heaven, Mommy and Daddy love each other forever and that life is good.

Jacob as been shaped by cancer. That is a simple fact of reality that we deal with every day. He has grown in many ways that are amazing and wonderful and will set him up well for life. He has a real understanding of personal ownership and responsibility. He is brave and courageous like never before. He understands what it is like to play hurt.

What I wonder is... what part of his childhood is gone forever?

and as a mother - that makes me very sad.

Anonymous said...

Hello, my favorite Carlsons! I've come across 2 verses recently that totally brought Jake and all of you guys to my mind.

Ps. 71:20-1 You, who have shown me great and severe troubles,shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth. You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

Joel 2:25 The Lord says, "I will give you back what you lost to the stripping locusts, the cutting locusts, the hopping locusts, the swarming locusts, and the cancer locusts (okay, so that was a Vicki paraphrase)."

Praying for you all regularly and trusting Father to restore Jake's childhood with full fury, Tanya.=)


The McShane Family said...

He has to learn about things that you pray your child never has to be touched by.....but kids are very resilient! He will be more sensitive to others and their pain and hurst...He will be a stronger young man.

That which the enemy meant for evil God will turn for good!

I am so sorry you have had to walk this road. But you are walking it with more graciousness, trust, faith and hope then anyone I know. I am honored to know you and call you friends.....