Friday, September 26, 2008

Quick Update

Counts today were down to 650ish. We will go in for another blood test on Monday to see if tings have improved enough.

Here is some good news to go along with this constant delaying.......
Based on the counts of some of his particular cells (red blood cells, platelets, etc..) Jake's Dr. does not feel that the low counts are any signs that the Leukemia cells are making a reappearance. They are still confident that this is the latter end of the virus and since his immune system has been weak it is just taking longer to recover fully. In discussions with the folks at the clinic, this is a pretty common thing to have to deal with - delays in treatment phases because of low counts.

So, although we deal with the emotional roller coaster each day as well as making sure that we have an alternate schedule for each of us days of possible treatment, we are really OK with all the delays. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get this phase started so that we can be through with it that much sooner. But thanks to many of your comments, you have helped us to remember that God does not always work on our time lines. He has a reason and His timing will be perfect. Thanks for the encouragement and for being there for us to help pick us back up.

Ecclesiastes 4:10
For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news! Hope you get to relax and enjoy your weekend! We will be praying for Monday!
Love you all!
Leon Family