Sunday, June 29, 2008

Birthday Weekend

This weekend, we celebrated Jake's 8th Birthday party (pictures to come soon).

We were blessed to share it with some good friends at the pool in our complex. All of the kids seemed to have a great time swimming and playing with each other. Jake confessed to us later that he had an awesome time.

It was a day that most kids look forward to every year. For Jake, this was an especially exciting day. When we started on this journey in mid-May, none of us knew what to expect. Within a few days of starting his treatment and being told all of the things that he would be unable to do for a period of time, Jake was concerned that he would be unable to have a birthday party. As he started making good progress with his treatment, his concern moved towards whether or not his hair would all be gone by his birthday.

I think back to Birthday's that I have had in the past and it is impossible to think of any of them where my wishes were anywhere near Jake's were. Mine were filled with desires for baseball gloves, games, and good times. Never in wildest dreams would my wishes have been to not lose all my hair or to even be healthy enough to have a party.

Jake has been forced to grow-up much faster than anyone deserves. Although his party was for his 8th birthday, he has lived through more pain and stress than any child should ever have to endure. His treatment and his bodies response to the treatment has been better than anyone could have ever expected, but that does not make it any easier to walk with him though this.

I look forward to celebrating more birthdays with Jake, as well as celebrating a very special "birth"day - the day that the doctors determine that he has been cured of his leukemia and he can begin living his life with no longer having to be concerned about the future, but getting to look back at what he has come through.

It may be a number of years before the impact of all of this will be absorbed by Jake, but when it all sinks in for him he is going to have some incredible memories of family and friends.

Happy Birthday Jake!!!!!

1 comment:

ronda said...

Happy Birthday! Looking forward to the pictures :)