Saturday, May 17, 2008

Treatment Update

Good Morning!

Jacob made it through the the night wonderfully well. He was up a couple of times going to the bathroom and having vitals taken, but other then that he got some good sleep - and the slight fever he was running broke in the middle of the night! He is feeling very little pain (3-4 on the smiley face scale) from his med port placement and is on no pain medicine right now. At this moment he is watching Saturday morning cartoons, playing with Indiana Jones Legos and waiting for his buttermilk pancakes to be delivered.

Brian and I both stayed with Jake last night and worked on mastering the skill of the sleeper chair. Our awesome night nurse helped us wrangle an extra one in and both of us were able to get some shut eye as well. The entire staff at P/SL (our hospital) is top notch and they are taking the best care of our entire family.

Last night we spent a long time discussing treatment options with Dr Odom (Jakes Oncologist). She reviewed the Bone Marrow Biopsy and it confirms that Jacob has ALL. The spinal tap fluid from his surgery yesterday shows no Leukemia cells on initial examination which is really good. During surgery they did administer the first round of Chemo into the spinal fluid. This helps to decrees leukemia cells from "hiding out" in the spinal cord as the other chemotherapy agents are introduced and start to work.

After a very lengthy discussion (our Dr is amazingly thorough and patient) and a detailed analysis of benefit / risk we have consented for and started Jacob on a standard risk ALL chemotherapy regiment. We started last night and for the next four weeks will be in the induction phase of this plan. Today is day 2. They are using 3 main chemo agents during this phase and expect to see by day 15 a reduction in leukemia cells from 100% to under 5%.

During this induction phase, we will see Jacob's immune system weaken and that does place him at a very high risk for infection. With that in mind Brian and I are trying to leap into our role as patient advocate and watch for any signs of infection in Jake and in anyone he comes in contact with. The Dr has OK'd visits - ALL VISITORS MUST BE HEALTHY AND INFECTION FREE!!! If you are fighting any sickness we ask that you call and pray but wait to visit until your health is recovered. We are also asking that visits be kept under an hour so that Jacob and family have time to rest. If for any reason Jacob needs to stop receiving visitors we will post that hear on the blog.

We had a packed house yesterday - both in the hospital room and across the blog. We are sharing all emails & comments on the blog with Jake and it has been very encouraging. He loves knowing (once he gets over a little shyness) that there are people around the country thinking about him, checking on him and praying. For those who were able to stop by the hospital he loves looking at all his cards on the bulletin board and the Legos, games, snacks, books and colors are helping to fill the time around treatment. Thank You for loving our son so much.

For those that I have not spoken to directly we are Presbyterian / St Luke Hospital. This is the Rocky Mountain hospital for children and has an outstanding reputation for patient care, especially for pediatric oncology care. They just celebrated their 125th anniversary and we are so thankful for God leading us to this site. Brian and I have complete trust and peace in the care Jacob is getting. The address for those of you who have been asking is

Presbyterian / St Luke
1719 E 19th Avenue
Denver, CO 80218

We are in room 802 and the room number is (303) 839-7802.

The earliest we could leave the hospital is Monday and they are currently expecting this visit to go to Tues / Wed.

Jake is getting concerned over the absence of his pancakes - so I will post more later.


Jennifer said...

Hey Bud I am glad to hear that you are doing so well!! I miss you and love you lots! We are so proud of you-you are such a strong kid! We love you and are always thinking of you!!

John, Jen, Cody and Cole

Beth Burough said...

We are SO SORRY to hear about Jacob's diagnosis--thank you for letting us know! Thank the Lord for a PA who was alert and moved quickly! As soon as we read your email, Don and I immediately stopped what we were doing and went to the Lord on your behalf. We are praying for Jacob's COMPLETE healing and that his body will respond to the treatment. We are also praying for the two of you. Please know that we are and will continue to lift your entire family before the Throne of God. We are praying for complete healing for Jacob, as well as strength and peace for both of you, and that the Lord will meet EVERY need! We love you! Don & Beth Burough

Jolene said...

Tanya, Brian, and boys...

We just got the email from Elisa with your link. As I sat here reading this devistating news the first thing that came to mind was this...If our God can give the "Alpha group" our Allie Jo by healing my body, he can certainly touch and heal Jacob! Healing a body is a walk in the park for him vs healing AND creating another one!

That said, as a mom, my heart breaks for you all! Jacob, you have a LONG road ahead, but I know God will shorten it for you! Hang in there kiddo!

Brian and Tanya, we JUST drove by your old house on Thursday and said, "I wonder how they are doing?" I believe it was God! You two are wonderful parents, and you will pull through this with flying colors! We will pray daily and keep updated through the blog!

MN misses you all!
Our love- Aaron, Jolene, Jonathan, and Allie Slavik

justMe said...

Carlson Family,
Victoria and I are praying for all of you. If there is anything at all we can do, anything, please let us know. We will not stop by unless we hear from you that it is ok.

Doug, Victoria and Cheyenne

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
Im sorry to hear about Jake. He is in my prayers! Im so happy to hear that things are going well.
Feel better! We love you and are praying for you!
Shila, Joe, and Aiden

nextmalawi said...

Hi Carlson family,
we're praying that God's mighty hand holds you through this time, for strength for you guys Brian and Tanya, for miraculous healing for Jacob, and peace for Joshua (and all). Please let Jacob know that Irish is also praying for him.
Jodi, Scott, Jael, Charity and Irish