Monday, May 26, 2008

Tired! Very, very tired.

I am not sure what is going on at our house - but the overwhelming feeling is, "I am tired!"

Jacob had 3 long naps today, struggled to dig up the energy for a walk around the courtyard and was only able to after being told that it would help him better appreciate the Popeye's chicken that was being brought in answer to his craving. (It hit the spot - thanks Traci!)

Brian and I were barely able to muster the energy needed to hang ceiling fans (thanks Milgm - they make the bedrooms so much nicer to sleep in) and have been more or less on the couch since then.

Joshua, who normally lives life like the energizer bunny on speed, has been at a slower pace today as well.

Not sure if it is the weather (the dull gray and high humidity reminds me of a MN day) or it is part of the process in accepting all that is going on. I am all for resting - and I know that my number one way of handling stress is taking a nap - but tonight I will be praying that tomorrow comes with more energy and sunshine.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

It's ok to rest and be slugs for a while. It is amazing what stress does to the body. Jake, I'm thinking of you and I am so proud of you for being so brave. Josh, you are a great little brother. Brian and Tanya-you two have been through so much-take time for yourselves to just chill when you can. You don't always have to be accomplishing something. Enjoy your family.

Love and Prayers,


The McShane Family said...

Gee, maybe a very busy week and a half......stress, that might be a start for the list........

Don't worry, lazy days are good to have. Take time for the rest you need!

Love you,