Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kicked out of Man Zone!

The sub title for this post would be - Why I adore Sundays!

Lets start with my husband waking me up - gently - with sweet words.

"It's almost 11. I think that would be a good wake up time."

(For anyone out there who is not married, my advise is to be patient and marry up, like I did! It pays such wealthy dividends for the rest of your life. Brian is the best thing to happen to me, ever!)

When I finally crawled out of bed and made it downstairs it was to discover that the kitchen disaster of Saturday evening (spaghetti and meatballs) was all cleaned up, the dishwasher ran, famous Carlson Chicken Chili was already simmering in the crock pot and Taquitos (football fare requested by the junior men) were cooking in the oven.

Then, my boys inform me that I can't be downstairs today - it is the Man Zone!

"You know Mom - guy stuff!"

Football on the TV, snacks in the oven, Nintendo in the grubby little hands of my boys. They had definitely taken over the lower level of the townhouse. And they were very firm in telling me that I would need to be upstairs for the day.

Here is the secret. SHHHHH

I love being banished to the upstairs once a week. HGTV on in the office, a great cup of coffee (also prepared by my honey!) Sunday newspaper and my laptop. In my comfy pj's and robe, slippers on my feet - it is ALL good.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect Sunday!!
Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous!!! Enjoy you day!


The McShane Family said...

That sounds like an amazing Sunday! I would love to have one of those!!!!!

I hope you savored every moment and rested!

Anonymous said...

I am SO ENVIOUS! Can I borrow your hubby, or can he do a hubby seminar?


Deanna said...

Sounds pretty fabulous to me. He is a jem!! I'm glad to hear Jake is doing so well.