Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fun Day Cancelled

Today at Jake's appointment, the Dr. suggested it was best that we put our trip to Elich on hold.

One of the things I forgot to add to the last post was that over the weekend Jake ran into some issues. He appears to have contracted a virus of some sort as Saturday he spent most of the morning dealing with a stuffed up head and plenty of vomiting. The Dr. provided an anti-nausea prescription that worked wonders. He was back to his chipper self in no time at all.

At the clinic today, he is struggling with some congestion and a runny nose. With the changes we are looking at making to his treatment, there was some concern that there may be some issued with the virus that he is fighting. Because of this, the Dr. postponed the start of the treatment for a couple of days to give his body a chance to rid itself of this "crud". She also asked that he not do any swimming for the next couple of days to help give his body the best chance to be able to handle the new treatment. She also said that it would be best to not spend all day out in the sun, getting exhausted; as this would just delay the time that it would take his body to fight off the virus.

As we have said from the beginning, we have the BEST doctors caring for him. Because we respect them so much and they have been incredibly honest and straightforward with us from the beginning, it would be foolish for us to not heed their suggestions.

His counts from the blood tests looked good today.
  • ANC Count was 1950
  • Platelet levels were back to a normal level
  • Cell counts were all in the zone that they need them to be in order for the chemo to be effective.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jake,
I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. We will be praying that you get rid of this virus quickly. Hang in there buddy!
Love ya,
Raul, Nicole, Matthew, & Michael

ronda said...

Bummer - when you are able to go you should really check out the circus show, very, very cool. Missed you at church last weekend.

The McShane Family said...

I am so sorry to hear you are sick Jake. We are praying for you!

Love you,
Pastor Kathy, Ted, Emily & Ethan